Automatic Registration to the Quality Registry SESAR

The quality registries in Sweden are a national treasure. Since the start in the 1970s, data on diagnoses, treatments, and outcomes have been collected and today there are just over 100 national quality registries [1].
Problems reporting data
Today, the quality registries are in different separate systems, which means that the care staff must log in and manually register the information in the registries. Several of the registries state that they have problems getting caregivers to join and report the necessary data [2].
Automated registration
SwipeCare has therefore developed a function for automated registration in the quality registries. Aleris Sömnapné is the first care provider to now introduce it in its care processes to the quality registry SESAR, the Swedish sleep apnea registry [3]. More than 20,000 registrations have been made, including all patients at Aleris Sömnapné since the start of operations in mid-2021.
Relieves the care staff from routine work
- Reporting to the quality registries has always been a bit of a challenge, says Agneta Skoglar, Operations Manager at Aleris Sömnapné. Therefore, it feels good that we have solved this problem with reporting to the quality systems that many people struggle with by now automating the registration in SwipeCare. It relieves the care staff from routine work and at the same time ensures that the registration is done and maintains a high quality of the important registries.
The information is automatically retrieved from SwipeCare
The information to be registered in SESAR is automatically retrieved from various parts of SwipeCare. In the first phase, the care staff is allowed to see and check the information that is to go to SESAR. Should something be wrong or unclear, this can be adjusted before it is sent in. In the next phase, the registration will take place completely in the background with automatic validation.
More time with patients
- A registration in the quality registry takes an estimated 2 - 5 minutes, and during Aleris Sömnapné's first 1.5 years, we have thus saved between 0.5 - 1 year of service with the automated registration, says Agneta Skoglar. A time that we can now instead use to take care of our patients.