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Strikersoft and Inovia AI strengthen the collaboration around the integration of AI in healthcare

Strikersoft and Inovia AI are strengthening their collaboration in healthcare AI with a focus on integrating AI into healthcare processes to reduce administration and increase accessibility.

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Today, many AI systems in healthcare are "stand-alone", they are implemented as separate systems that the healthcare staff must start up or click through and then log in with yet another password. This makes AI systems difficult to work with and is one of the reasons why AI has not yet gained wider spread in daily care.

– It is not unusual for a doctor or other healthcare professional to have to log into fourteen systems or more every day in order to work, explains Fredrik Eriksson, responsible for SwipeCare at Strikersoft. We are happy that in Inovia AI we have an AI partner who understands how important it is that the processes must be integrated in care in order to function effectively, and that we can now deepen that collaboration.

In the deepened collaboration, Inovia's AI is integrated directly into the care processes in SwipeCare, so that the AI ​​tool becomes a natural part of the workflow for the care staff. No extra login, the same user interface that healthcare staff are used to, and you can see in the overview in SwipeCare where the AI ​​is in the process and what results it has generated.

– Our goal has always been to make AI as useful as possible and we are proud to be part of Strikersoft's journey to make AI more accessible in daily care work, says Marcus Ekendahl, CEO at Inovia AI. There is a lot happening in AI now, and we see great opportunities to jointly take AI to areas of care outside the traditional ones to reduce administration and increase accessibility.


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