

Automated healthcare processes

With automated healthcare processes the system itself drives the care process and the patient forward and at the same time ensures that every step is done, and in a qualitative and safe way.

Automatic pain monitoring at ASIH

Linda Vogt at Aleris Närsjukvård talks about the experiences of the introduction of individualized and automated pain monitoring at the ASIH (Specialist Home Care) units in the Stockholm region. (The video is in Swedish.)


Drives the healthcare processes forward

Previous process tools in care have mainly been about monitoring what is happening and the care staff have manually moved the patient between each step in the process. That the system itself drives the care process forward means, among other things, that the system books lab times, calls patients and involves the healthcare staff when and where it is needed in the process, above all in the clinical parts.


Automatic sleep recording

Aleris Sleep Apnea has completely automated the sleep recording for patients with sleep apnea syndrome


The system first sends out an SMS to the patient, who then accesses their patient portal to book an appointment and answer a questionnaire. The system then takes care of the administration around the delivery and collection of equipment that the patient sleeps with, and that the patient collects in an iBox. After the patient has slept, the data is automatically transmitted to the clinic so that the healthcare staff can review the sleep and make a diagnosis. The system also automatically delivers all data to the SESAR quality register.


The core of the healthcare process

From having been more of a support, the digital tool now becomes the core of the care process. The system takes over much of the administrative tasks so that the nursing staff can focus on caring for the patients.