Vinnova funds Strikersoft and Sara Bern in Innovation for future health

The project, which focuses on new, digitalised support for self-care with a focus on trauma and stress, has been awarded half a million Swedish kronor under Swedish innovation agency Vinnova’s Challenge-driven Innovation Programme.
“Our project promotes eHealth by making digital therapy and rehabilitation support available directly through mobile phones,” explains initiator of the development project Sara Bern.
Whenever and wherever a patient needs healthcare
A mobile digital solution makes healthcare available both whenever and wherever a patient needs it. The solution also helps relieve the strain on healthcare providers, since patients can manage parts of their treatment themselves using their mobile phones.
“It’s really inspiring that Vinnova has chosen to further support the social benefits that we’re already seeing from digitalised self-care for trauma and stress, and the alleviation of people’s suffering,” Sara continues.
In addition to development work, Strikersoft will contribute its know-how to the eHealth project to ensure that the product is compatible with both related systems already in place and existing rules and regulations.
Help people lead better lives
“The chance to be a part of developing the digital healthcare of the future, to move current solutions forward and to help people who might not otherwise have received the help they need to lead better lives is simply amazing,” says Strikersoft’s CEO, Fredrik Wångberg. “We’re especially pleased to have the opportunity to work with Sara Bern, whose expert knowledge and innovative ideas are such excellent symbols for bold innovation.”
“Strikersoft was the obvious choice as a collaborator for the project, since they already have similar solutions in place and know how this type of application should be implemented,” Sara explains.
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) are techniques for self-regulation that lower stress levels after trauma and reduce the effects of post-traumatic stress. Presently, the resources allocated to psychiatric care continue to shrink, at the same time as the need for mental healthcare is increasing. As the number of asylum-seekers arriving from areas devastated by war and conflict has increased, so has the need for psychiatric care for trauma and stress-related diagnoses.
“We have all witnessed the enormous cost effects resulting from the influx of refugees in 2015. We’re very pleased to be able to contribute to a positive solution for those affected and for the healthcare staff involved,” Sara continues. Sara is also a member of the board of Swedish EFT association EFT Förbundet.
Help people in disaster areas
“Different versions of the method have been used successfully to help people in areas affected by disasters in places such as Africa and Asia. At the same time, healthcare staff and volunteers also need help to deal with the things they experience in their work, and the techniques have proven effective for them too.”
Vinnova’s Challenge-driven Innovation Programme aims to support the development of sustainable solutions to the global social challenges that threaten our common future.