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Strikersoft one of the participants in the EU project Cynergy4MIE for Edge AI

39 organizations from 8 countries within the EU are involved in the Cynergy4MIE project for Edge AI,
an EU Research and Innovation project within the Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU). The project will last for three years. 

The objective of Cynergy4MIE is to develop an ecosystem to support energy-efficient Infrastructure, Mobility, and Energy. 

The Swedish consortium will develop an AI/ML solution using mm-wave-based radar for search and rescue operations. Strikersoft will use mmWave radar to locate and track live victims and rescue workers, as well as collect vital signs from victims to provide triage information for clinical and rescue decisions. This project is a continuation of our StorAIge project. 

39 partners Cynergyporject

Our EU project

This application will have stringent power performance requirements that cannot be met by COTS (GPUs, TPU, FPGAs), and it will also be dynamic.

This application will be implemented in the enhanced SiLago (Silicon Lego) framework from KTH to create a ready-to-manufacture SiLago design that will be validated to be 10X-100X more efficient than the state-of-the-art COTS. Strikersoft will develop AI/ML-based extraction of vitals (breathing and pulse rate) using the mm-Wave radar for contactless detection of victim conditions. Victims' vital health data from the fusion of contact sensors (at least mmWave, Oximetry) will be tracked and logged for human analysis and decisions. Strikersoft will also source training and validation data.


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