Step 3: Support & Maintenance

Reactive, Proactive & Predictive
Strikersoft offers three different levels of support. The first is reactive support, in which we fix errors reported by users. We can also provide proactive support, meaning that we also resolve issues that do not directly affect operation, but that will have a negative effect in the long term. Finally, predictive support involves Strikersoft averting critical errors before they arise. Learn more about our support services here >>
Operational Protocol
We use an operational protocol to manage maintenance tasks that handles automatic back-ups and monitoring, thereby helping to avoid system failures. Should a problem arise in spite of this, the operating protocol contains a description of how to manage escalation so as to get the system up and running again as quickly as possible.
Monitoring Levels
Our clients always decide for themselves which level of monitoring they prefer. Which level they choose depends on the acceptable downtime duration for the system. A higher level of monitoring, resulting in less downtime, might involve having duplicate systems in each data centre, multiple data centres in case one goes offline, redundant disks in each server, or using virtual machines for back-up purposes, for example.
Latest Valid Version
Using an agile method with sprints and running updates to the product’s specification means that maintenance is carried out on the latest valid version of the delivered product. Consequently, any error reports filed during the support phase are filed in relation to this latest version and not the concept floated at the project’s inception.
Agile Maintenance
Agile development methods also mean that developers alternate between different parts of the software creation process. When new functions are required of the product after launch, developers need to be able to quickly add these to the software as part of the code base.
Anyone who has ever heard of or seen what is known as “spaghetti code” will realise how important it is to take the right approach to post-launch additions. If not handled correctly, it is common for the initial logical and organised structure of the code to be gradually broken down with every new piece of code added. This ultimately results in code that is impossible for outsiders to follow or understand.
Conversely, agile development methods create and maintain well-documented code that can be further expanded and developed at will.
Read about the other steps of the development process: